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Rôles et responsabilités d’un professionnel : 

Connaitre son métier 


     Professional pest control is above all a job (artisan, hunter, trapper, service provider, etc.). There is no school or initial training center to acquire basic knowledge and know-how.  

     Most professionals have trained themselves or by older colleagues in the profession. Only a minority have followed continuing professional training mainly with product suppliers, or internally in certain large structures.  

     Le Certibiocide est OBLIGATOIRE mais ne remplace pas les formations de base indispensables et l’acquisition des différents métiers utilisant certains produits biocides.  

Son but est essentiellement de responsabiliser les entreprises et s’assurer que les produits sont utilisés en accord avec les règles de sécurité et la réglementation.  


Rôles et responsabilités de l’applicateur de produits biocides professionnels  

- L’utilisateur décideur a la responsabilité de tout le chantier : 

 . Le choix des produits  

. Les doses  

. La méthode  

. Verification  

- He must write and validate a site organization procedure  

- He must enforce the wearing of PPE (personal protective equipment)  

- The characteristics and site instructions must be:  

1. Justified, written and sent to operators  

2. Adapted to the problem of the situation and the client  

3. Controlled and registered  

- The site instructions (before, during and after) are delivered to the customer in writing  


(Environment, Safety, Public, Workers, Pets, etc.) 


Traitement rapide, efficace des nuisibles (puces, punaises de lits, cafards, blattes, frelons asiatiques, guêpes, fourmis, rongeurs, termites, chenilles urticantes, moustiques et divers parasites en suggérant prioritairement un axe éco-responsable. Ce service s’adresse aux particuliers, entreprises et services publiques.


Notre Métier

Roles and responsibilities of a professional: 

Know your job 

- There is an official table specifying the border between these two types of products  

- Products reserved for professionals and those authorized for the general public (EAJ authorized use in gardens and domestic use)  

  The Certibiocide is MANDATORY but does not replace essential basic training and the acquisition of certain biocide products .  

Its purpose is essentially to empower companies and ensure that products are used in accordance with safety rules and regulations.  

- Classement des produits : Bien distinguer les Produits Toxiques et CMR des autres  

Roles and responsibilities of the professional biocidal product applicator  

- The decision-making user is responsible for the entire site: 

- Utilisation des produits  

- Rôles et responsabilités du distributeur / Réglementation du point de vente  


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