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Frelons, Guêpes.

      Cockroaches are also called cockroaches, cockroaches but also ravet in the West Indies or cockroaches in Quebec. From the order of blattoptera (Blattodea), these insects are very old since fossils of more than 350 million years have been found!


Frelon européen et frelon asiatique : comment les différencier ?

          Deux variétés principales de frelons se partagent l'Europe : le frelon européen et le frelon asiatique. Ils se distinguent nettement l'un de l'autre par leurs couleurs. Le frelon européen possède un abdomen entièrement rayé de jaune et de noir, tandis que le frelon asiatique dévoile un abdomen brun dont le quatrième segment est complètement jaune orangé.

         Les piqûres de ces deux variétés are equally dangerous, but le asian hornet  is more aggressive than its European cousin, especially when approaching its nest.


Se débarrasser d'un nid de frelons

         Se débarrasser d'un nid de frelons n'est pas à la portée d'un particulier. Il faut en effet faire appel à un professionnel. Inutile d'appeler les pompiers, car si le nid de frelons n'est pas situé dans un lieu public, ils n'interviendront pas et vous dirigeront vers des sociétés privées. Vous en serez de votre poche pour l'intervention, avec, selon les conditions de votre contrat d'assurance, une possibilité de prise en charge si vous prouvez le danger imminent de cette présence à proximité de votre habitation.

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     Les fourmis sont des insectes sociaux  which constitute the family of Formicidae (or formicidae in French) and, with the wasps and the bees, are classified in theorder des Hymenopterasuborder des apocrita. Ces insects eusocial form colonies, called anthills, sometimes extremely complex, containing from a few tens to several million individuals. Some species form des supercolonies  to several hundreds of millions of individuals. Les termites, sometimes called white ants for their formal and behavioral resemblance, are of the order of dictyoptera (suborder Isoptera) but are not close relatives.

      Ant societies have awork division (polyethism  of age and caste), communication between individuals and an ability to solve complex problems. These analogies with les human societies  have long been a source of inspiration and the subject of scientific study.

      In 2013, more than 12,000 species have been listed but there are probably thousands still to be discovered. The participatory census, as it was done in 2019-2020 in the canton of Vaud, in Switzerland, could be a way to acquire new knowledge. Family cosmopolitan (the ant has colonized all land regions except  Greenland etAntarctic), it reaches a high density in tropical environments et neotropics.

Although ants make up less than one percent of insect species, their estimated population of one billion billion individuals is such that the mass of the myrmecofauna exceeds the weight of humanity and represents 10 to 15% of the animal biomass  in many habitats, this mass combined with that of termites representing one third of the animal biomass of the Amazon forest.

Their evolutionary success  is largely due to their social organization, their plasticity genetics associated with the presence of many mobile elements in the genome, and their opportunism food.

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