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          Ainsi, elles dévastent tout sur leur passage : les greniers, le sous-sol, la toiture, sous les meubles. Elles mangent également d’autres animaux, des fruits et légumes et d’autres nourritures dans la cuisine. Ces rongeurs existent en plusieurs espèces qui peuvent créer une invasion dans toute la maison ainsi que notre entourage.

field mouse

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   The field mouse is a nocturnal rodent, but also diurnal in summer. It differs from mice in having slightly larger ears, eyes and hind legs. Its tail measures 6 to 9 cm and it has 4 fingers and 5 toes. It is a jumping and swimming mammal that moves with agility and at high speed. The field mouse has a reddish-brown coat with a whitish belly. The striped field mouse is the one most often encountered in gardens. It has a black band on its back from its muzzle to its tail. This creature weighs between 20 to 35 g and measures 8 to 12 cm without counting its tail. The field mouse can live 18 to 20 months.
          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ This rodent lives in a burrow that it digs itself or in those of moles, but it adapts to a wide variety of places. Thus, the field mouse can make a nest out of leaves, ragged grass or moss. During breeding, adult males share a burrow in the fields. In winter, the collective nests are very frequent and they are occupied by males and females.

Its reproduction takes place from March to October and sometimes all year round. Gestation lasts 19 to 20 days and a female can carry 1 to 2 young.

       Pour nourrir ses petits, le mulot femelle possède 4 paires de tétines, dont 3 abdominales et une axillaire.


 Le surmulot ou rat brun

           Le surmulot ou le rat brun est un rongeur de la famille de Muridea. Il mesure environ 25 cm avec une queue de 20 cm et pèse jusqu’à 300 grammes à l’âge adulte. Il s’agit d’une énorme espèce de rat. Il est d’origine japonaise, chinoise et russe et a commencé à faire son entrée en masse en Europe au IXe siècle lors de la période d’incursion des vikings. Actuellement, il a conquis toute la planète sauf dans l’Antarctique car le climat y est peu confortable pour ce rongeur.

           Communément appelée rat d’égout, cette créature détruit tout sur son passage. Son endroit préféré est donc les égouts où il peut se développer rapidement grâce à l’absence de prédateurs. Il envahit la ville très vite surtout si la population y est nombreuse. Souvent, le rat surmulot squatte des lieux d’assainissement et lorsqu’ils sont très nombreux, ils commencent à sortir dans les rues pour s’introduire dans les maisons et les immeubles. Ces rongeurs sont très actifs durant la nuit et les dégâts qu’ils causent sont graves, surtout pour la santé.

          Comme les autres espèces, le surmulot est omnivore, mais tend plutôt à être un animal carnivore. Le rat surmulot possède un odorat très aiguisé. Vivant généralement en groupe, ils marquent leur territoire avec leurs urines.
En ce qui concerne sa reproduction, ces rats d’égouts se reproduisent rapidement. En effet, une femelle peut avoir 4 à 7 portées en une année, et une portée peut donner naissance à 3 à 12 ratons.
          La gestation peut durer de 21 à 28 jours. Ce qui fait qu’une femelle peut avoir plus de 60 ratons par an. Cette espèce de rongeur a une longévité de 2 à 3 ans.


 The mouse

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The mouse is the most well-known rodent of the rat family. She is the smallest of her kind. The mouse has smooth, soft coat that is gray in color and slightly lighter on the belly. She has large ears, small black eyes and a long snout. The mouse's tail is the same length as its body. This rodent breeds very quickly, because over the course of a year she can give birth to 100 offspring. To live better, the mouse needs the company of other rodents in the same litter.

          Avec un nouvel arrivant, there may be disagreements. Thus, males often fight in order to gain power.

It is a defenseless creature and it is always ready to run away. She prefers warm and temperate places and she can settle in all the houses at her convenience. Generally, the mouse is active during the night and nibbles everything in its path, cardboard, paper, food, fabrics... it is omnivorous. And in nature, it leaves serious damage to crops.

         C'est également une excellente climber that can live 9 to 12 months. The presence of this animal in our surroundings can cause diseases to humans as well as animals. His worst enemy is the cat.


  The black rat

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The roof rat is distinguished from the brown rat by its more pointed muzzle and larger ears. Its hind legs are smaller and it has a longer tail than its body. This species is mainly active at night. It is quite difficult to physically see this type of rat in the house, because it is very quick to flee. In adulthood, the black rat is between 15 to 20 cm long and can weigh between 150 and 200 grams. Its coat can vary from black to hazelnut with a lighter belly. It often lives in high parts of a building, areas of human activity and all dry, dark and hidden places. It lives on average 2 to 3 years.
          Cette bestiole se nourrit essentiellement plant products such as fruits, seeds and buds. The black rat also eats invertebrates, gastropods, myriapods and sometimes even vertebrates. To talk about its reproduction, a young black rat reaches sexual maturity after 12 to 16 weeks after birth.

        Les femelles peuvent mettre au monde 5 à 10 petits par an avec 3 6 carried. Their gestation period lasts only 3 weeks.


  The field rat or vole

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The vole is a rodent mammal of the Muridae family. It measures between 8 to 12 cm with a tail of 2.5 to 4 cm. The weight of a field rat or vole varies from 30 to 40 g. It has a smooth gray-brown coat on the back and lighter on the abdomen. It is distinguished from other creatures of the same family by its not very prominent eyes and ears.

         Cette bestiole nocturne et diurne vit underground by digging ramified galleries. The field mouse also likes short vegetated meadows, alfalfa fields and dykes.

_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _  

         Ce rongeur se reproduit généralement entre the months of March and October. Sexual maturity is reached 30 days after birth for males and only after 13 days for females. Gestation lasts 19 to 21 days to give birth to 8 to 12 young in each litter. A female field mouse can have 3 to 4 litters in a year.

      . This small rodent is rather herbivorous and it must eat twice its weight every day.

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